Basic Decorator Operations

Creating a datalite class

A datalite class is a special dataclass. It is created by using a decorator @datalite.datalite, members of this class are, from Python’s perspective, just normal classes. However, they have additional methods and attributes. @datalite decorator needs a database path to be provided. This database is the database the table for the dataclass will be created.

from datalite import datalite
class Student:
    student_id: int = 1
    student_name: str = "Kurt Gödel"
    student_gpa: float = 3.9

Here, datalite will create a table called student in the database file db.db, this file will include all the fields of the dataclass as columns. Default value of these columns are same as the default value of the dataclass.

Special Methods

Each object initialised from a dataclass decorated with the @dataclass decorator automatically gains access to three special methods. It should be noted, due to the nature of the library, extensions such as mypy and IDEs such as PyCharm will not be able to see these methods and may raise exceptions.

With this in mind, let us create a new object and run the methods over this objects.

new_student = Student(0, "Albert Einstein", 4.0)

Creating an Entry

First special method is .create_entry() when called on an object of a class decorated with the @datalite decorator, this method creates an entry in the table of the bound database of the class, in this case, table named student in the db.db. Therefore, to create the entry of Albert Einstein in the table:


This also modifies the object in an intresting way, it adds a new attribute obj_id, this is a unique, autoincremented value in the database. It can be accessed by new_student.obj_id.

Updating an Entry

Second special method is .update_entry(). If an object’s attribute is changed, to update its record in the database, this method must be called.

new_student.student_gpa = 5.0  # He is Einstein, after all.

Deleting an Entry

To delete an entry from the record, the third and last special method, .remove_entry() should be used.



It should be noted that, if the new_student.obj_id attribute is modified, .update_entry() and .remove_entry() may have unexpected results.